Implemented proof of concept machine learning algorithm with over 98% accuracy to monitor conditions of piping systems in nuclear microreactors using artificial neural networks
Completed a distributive algorithm using ADMM based on a central planner and created allocation schemes for a variety of case studies by using MATLAB
Cultivate fruity friendships at your college through an anonymous matching and chatting experience focused on pear-sonality!
During the 4-week MIT Beaverworks Summer Program, we spent the first 2 weeks building a 3D printer and the next 2 building our filament recycler.
Short 2 person shooting game featuring my CS professors made with python during a class hackathon.
Google CSSI final project. Created a Bomberman game using Javascript, HTML, CSS.
Used TensorFlow and a feed forward neural network to create a program that guesses the number you write. Try it out by clicking on the project
Created a website for Walmart to discuss possible innovation methods they could use to enhase checkout. See it by clicking on the project